Frequently Asked Questions

There are hundreds of scientifically and medically refereed articles on the benefits of magnesium. To get started, please see the references quoted at the end of the document titled: How to a achieve a long healthy lifespan.

  • Reference 1. The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders, Kirkland, A,E, et al In Nutrients, June 2018.
  • Reference 2. Clinical trial number ACTRN 1260 9000 86 3235
  • Reference 3. in Longevity, Senescence, and the Genome by Caleb E. Finch.
  • Reference 4. Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Nanoscience, by Ken A. Dill and Sarina Bromberg.
  • Reference 5. H2O A Biography of Water, by Philip Ball.
  • See also Magnesium Each Day Keeps Dementia at Bay. Australian National University, ANU Reporter, Vol.54, No.1.
  • Multiple refereed references can be found on the National Institutes of Health site: PubMed.

The best forms of magnesium to consume are those forms of magnesium that dissolve in water. The USA Department of Health (NIH) states that:

“The best forms of magnesium to consume are those forms that are soluble (dissolves in water) and more completely absorbed from the intestines”.

Possibly, magnesium citrate dissolved in water is preferred because the citrate also has multiple benefits in addition to the magnesium. Citrate helps regulate metabolic flux in body cells and directs nutrients to the pentose phosphate pathway which helps to produce the body’s main antioxidant, glutathione, and is essential to produce all RNA and DNA. Citrate also is rapidly metabolised to alkaline bicarbonate in body cells which buffers body cells against excess acidity.

Any registered compounding pharmacist can prepare and dispense soluble magnesium citrate. In Australia, magnesium citrate is available as a cordial called Magna Aqua and can be purchased online.

Yes. A clinical trial was conducted with soluble magnesium dissolved in water at the prestigious St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, Australia. This trial was registered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Clinical trial number ACTRN 1260 9000 86 3235

Some positive results are recorded as graphs in the document: How to a achieve a long healthy lifespan.

This website was developed by Australian scientists who have uncovered the benefits of magnesium in relation to health and longevity.